Canadian Beef Breeds Council holds its 21st Annual General Meeting in Calgary March 26, 2015

Canadian Beef Breeds Council’s 21st Annual General Meeting was held in the Best Western Port O’ Call Hotel and was well attended by members, associates and guests. President David Bolduc shared that “We have a great organization and have established an effective communication program that keeps all our members involved and informed. We are working more effectively to promote the value of registered seedstock in Canada and abroad”.

CBBC welcomes Stephen Scott as a new director. The newly elected Board of Directors are:

David Bolduc – President
Garner Deobald – Vice President
Anne Brunet-Burgess – Director
Bruce Holmquist – Director
Roger Peters – Director
Rod Remin – Director
Stephen Scott – Director
Rob Smith – Director
Byron Templeton – Director

CBBC’s vision is to provide a unified voice in support of the purebred genetics provided within the Canadian beef cattle industry. Its mission is to ensure the continuity, growth and prosperity of the Canadian purebred cattle sector as an integral component of the Canadian beef cattle industry.

Its mandate is to support Canadian purebred cattle producers through service provision aimed at genetic improvement, animal health, extension services and information dissemination; promote Canadian beef cattle genetics both domestically and internationally by identifying market opportunities, facilitating access through timely intelligence and informing the commercial industry of the attributes of the Canadian beef advantage both at home and abroad; represent the purebred cattle sector to government by advocating effective policy, ensuring market access and enhancing competitiveness.

Canadian Beef Breeds Council, 165 6815 8th Street NE, Calgary Alberta Canada, T2E 7H7
Phone: (403) 730-0350 Fax: (403)275-8490

For information please contact Michael Latimer, Executive Director E: T:403.730.0350 C:403.861.7772